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Stacks in C#

Stacks in C#
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This article introduces stacks in C#, what they are, and how they work in C#. It includes code examples of how to create and use stacks in C# and describes stacks’ use cases in various applications, including web applications, video games, and desktop applications. We’ll implement undo functionality using a stack. You can also learn about Binary Trees in this article.



C# is widely used for developing desktop applications, video games, and web applications. One of the essential data structures in C# is the stack, which is used to store and retrieve data in a last-in, first-out (LIFO) manner. In this blog post, we will discuss what stacks are, how they work in C#, and how they can be used to improve your programming skills.


What is a Stack?

A stack is a collection of data elements organized in a LIFO manner. In other words, the last element added to the stack is the first to be removed. Stacks store and retrieve data in a specific order, making them ideal for applications that require a specific sequence of operations. If you want to skyrocket your C# career, check out our powerful ASP.NET full-stack web development course that also covers test-driven development.


How do Stacks Work in C#?

C# stacks are implemented using the System.Collections.Stack class. This class provides methods for adding and removing elements from the stack, as well as for accessing the element at the top of the stack without removing it. Here is an example of how to create and use a stack in C#:

Stack<string> myStack = new Stack<string>(); 
myStack.Push("First Element"); 
myStack.Push("Second Element"); 
myStack.Push("Third Element"); 
string topElement = myStack.Peek(); // Returns "Third Element" 
string lastElement = myStack.Pop(); // Removes and returns "Third Element"


In the above example, we created a stack of strings using the Stack class, then added three elements to it using the Push method. We then used the Peek method to access the element at the top of the stack (which is the "Third Element") without removing it from the stack. Finally, we used the Pop method to remove the top element from the stack (which is "Third Element").


Example: Implementing an Undoable Text Editor

Here is an example of how to implement undo functionality using a C# stack:

class TextEditor
    private Stack<char> undoStack;
    private string text;
    public TextEditor()
        undoStack = new Stack<char>(); text = "";
    public void AddChar(char c) { undoStack.Push(c); text += c; }
    public void Undo()
        if (undoStack.Count > 0)
            char lastChar = undoStack.Pop();
            text = text.Remove(text.Length - 1);
    public void PrintText()

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        TextEditor editor = new TextEditor();
        editor.PrintText(); // Output: "Hello" 
        editor.PrintText(); // Output: "Hell"
        editor.PrintText(); // Output: "Hel" 

In this example, we define a TextEditor class that uses a stack to implement undo functionality. The AddChar method adds a character to the text and pushes it onto the undo stack. The Undo method pops the last character from the undo stack and removes it from the text. The PrintText method prints the current state of the text to the console.


What are the Use Cases of Stacks?

Stacks can be used in a wide range of C# applications, including web applications, video games, and desktop applications. Here are some examples of how stacks can be used:

  • Stacks can be used in a variety of ways in C# applications. Here are some examples:
  • Web Applications: Stacks can store the history of a user’s navigation through a website, allowing them to navigate back to previous pages easily.
  • Video Games: Stacks can store the player’s inventory, allowing them to add and remove items as needed easily.
  • Recursion: Stacks can be used to implement recursion in C# programs, allowing functions to call themselves and store the necessary information on the stack.
  • Browser History: Stacks can be used to implement the back and forward button functionality in web browsers. Each time the user visits a new page, the URL of that page can be pushed onto a stack. When the user clicks the back button, the URL at the top of the stack can be popped and loaded in the browser.
  • Undo/Redo Functionality: Stacks can be used to implement undo and redo functionality in various applications. Each time an action is performed, the application’s state can be saved to a stack. When the user clicks the undo button, the previous state can be popped from the stack and loaded. The redo button can be implemented in a similar way by storing the states that were undone in another stack.
  • Expression Evaluation: Stacks can be used to evaluate expressions in C# programs. For example, infix expressions can be converted to postfix notation and evaluated using a stack. The operands are pushed onto the stack, and when an operator is encountered, the appropriate number of operands are popped from the stack, the operation is performed, and the result is pushed back onto the stack.
  • Compiler Design: Stacks can be used in compilers to store intermediate results during the parsing and execution of code.
  • Memory Management: Stacks are used for managing memory in C# programs. When a function is called, the parameters and local variables are stored on the stack. When the function returns, the stack is popped, and the memory is freed. This allows for efficient memory allocation and deallocation.
  • Task Management: Stacks can be used to manage tasks in C# programs. Each time a new task is created, it can be pushed onto a stack. When a task is completed or interrupted, it can be popped from the stack. This allows for efficient task management and can be used in various applications, such as job scheduling and process management.

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In conclusion, stacks are an essential data structure in C# that can be used in a wide range of applications. They are easy to use and provide a simple way to store and retrieve data in a specific order. By incorporating stacks into your C# programming, you can improve the efficiency and functionality of your applications. If you are interested in data structures and algorithms, you may also want to read my Binary Trees, O(log N), and Avoiding Nested Loops to Turn O(N²) into O(N) articles.

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