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C# Stress Testing

C# Stress Testing
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This article is an introduction to C# Stress Testing which walks you through a step-by-step, easy-to-follow example that helps you write your first stress test using the NBnech library. Stress testing is an important aspect of software development that helps ensure an application’s stability and reliability under extreme conditions. Stress testing is the process of putting software under heavy loads to identify performance issues and bottlenecks. In this article, we will discuss how to perform stress testing in .NET. In this article, we will use NBench library for stress testing a scenario in a Shop application.

What is Nbench?

Nbench is a benchmarking tool that measures the performance of a computer’s CPU and memory subsystem. It is particularly useful for stress testing because it can put a heavy load on the CPU and memory, simulating a real-world workload. Did you know that we offer a unique online course that boosts your C# career? Check it out here!


Demo Project

In this article, we want to stress test the checkout of a simple shop application. Our demo project contains two classes. Shop and Product.

You can create a new class library project with the name Shopand add the classes to follow along. So create a new folder named Shop and run the following command in it to create the production demo project:

Next, we’ll set up our test project.


Step 1: Create a Test Project

Create a new console application with the name: ShopStressTests. You can create the project by creating a new folder with the name ShopStressTests and running the following command in the terminal in that path.

We’ll add the shop tests to this app.

Step 2: Add a Reference to the Production App

Next, add a reference to the production application. You can do that by running the following command in your test application:


Step 2: Install NBench

To use NBench, you first need to install the NBench NuGet package in the console application. You can do this by  running the following command in the test project’s path:

Step 3: Create the Test Class

Create a new class with the name ShopStressTests in the test project.

Checkout_test is the test method. The testCounter.Increment() in the method’s body collects performance data. The attributes that decorate the method are also a set of assertions to measure the checkout operation’s performance under the load parameters the attributes specify. I’ve included some comments on what each attribute does.


Step 4: Set the Test Project Up

Add the following line of code to the Program.cs file of the test project to run the test in the main method.


Step 5: Running the Test

Build the test project by running the following command in the test project’s folder:

Then run the tests by running the following command:


Step 6: The Results

This is the result of running the test on my machine:

Look at the ASSERTIONS section. Two out of the three expectations I specified by the attributes were passed. One of them failed.

Whenever you detect a performance bottleneck in your application consider using the algorithms design techniques to fix the issue. You can find more information in this and this article. You can also learn how to load test your web applications using Apache JMeter in this article.



Stress testing is an important part of software development that allows developers to identify and fix performance issues before they become a problem for end-users. By simulating high-traffic conditions and running benchmarks, developers can ensure that their code performs well under stress and is able to handle the demands of real-world usage. Tools like NBench make it easy to create and run these benchmarks, and by integrating stress testing into your development process, you can ensure that your code is always optimized for performance. If you want to skyrocket your C# career, check out our powerful ASP.NET full-stack web development course that also covers test-driven development.




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